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How To Add Products (Mobile and PC)

How To Add Products To My Shop On The Mobile App

Adding products is easy on the app, it involves only few steps which we will breakdown in this article. 

Step by Step Guide

To Add Product:

Step 1- Go to Homepage, the homepage is the first page you see when you open the app.

Step 2- Tap on the "Products" Icon on the navigation bar, at the bottom of the page.

Step 3- Tap on Manage. 


Step 4- Then tap on Product to add product to shop.


Step 5- Proceed to add your Product Name

Step 6- Select a Category (optional) and add your Product Description.

Step 7- You then enter your product details. Here you select how you sell your product and what unit of measurement you use. For instance if your product is sold in pieces, you select  Sell in PiecesIf you sell in Pack you select Sell in pack

To change unit of measurement, tap on Select Unit of Measurement beside the Sell in Pieces option. There are various unit of measurement to select from.

Step 8- Then you proceed to add your purchased price, by tapping on Purchased Price(optional), i.e the price at which you bought or made the product, this however is optional, then you tap on Selling Price to add your product price.

Step 9- Tap on Quantity In Stock to add the quantity of your product

Step 10- Tap on Add Image to add your product image, you can add up to four images of your product. 

Step 11- Tap on Add Product to complete this process. Your product will be added and displayed on the product page for you.

As you make sales the changes in the quantity of your product will be reflected on the product page to enable you know how much product you have left, and also the total value of products will be displayed on the product page.

How Do I Add Products To My Shop On My PC?

Step 1- Open Dashboard

Step 2- Click on “Products

Step 3- Click on “Add Products

Step 4- Click on “New Products

Step 5- Enter your “Product Name” , Select Category and enter Product Description 

Step 6- Under “Pricing” select your product type (pieces, pack, or pack and pieces)

Step 7- Enter the price, the unit buying price and the selling price

Step 8- Enter the quantity of the product 

Step 9- To finish, click on “Create

See this article on how to use the advanced product setting on the app, to know how to add products with variations, and other helpful features.