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How To Make Use Of The Advanced Product Setting(product variations, product alert etc)

The app provides for an advanced product setting, where there are helpful features you can enable according to the needs of your business. When adding your product you can select which of the features that is best for your business.

The following features are under the advanced product setting;

How To Access The Advanced Product Setting?

Then select which option you want to apply

Product Variations

The app provides for an advanced product setting, where you can add product variation, this is where you add the color or different colors of your product, where you can add the size of each product you are selling, you can also add brand or any other necessary information about your product. For example if you sell clothes you can input the different sizes you have, their various color and brand.

To Add product Variation:

Product Alert 

The app can also send you an alert when your product is low, however you will have to enable this feature in the advanced product settings.

To Enable The Product Alert:

Product Expiring Date

You can also enable this in the advanced product settings and get notified when your product expires.

To Enable “Product Expiring Date”

Capture Product Barcode

You can also capture the barcode of your product by enabling it in the advanced product setting. You can add products using the barcode, and also use it to make sales.

To Add Product With The Product Barcode

To Make Sales With The Product Barcode

These features may not apply to every product, and that is why you will need to enable them if your product requires any of the features.