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How To Manage My Inflow And Expenditure On PC

To access the inflow and expenditure page open the dashboard and click on “inflow & expenditure” When you access the inflow/expenditure page, you click on “Add Income Or Expenditure”, the following options will be displayed:

You can click on any of the options, add expenditure or inflow, and the app automatically calculates for you and displays your balance so you know whether you are running on a loss or profit. That way you can make better decisions for your business.

Table of contents:

How To Go To The Inflow and Expenditure Page On My PC

Step 1- Open Dashboard

Step 2- Click on "Inflow & Expenditure"

Step 3- The Inflow and expenditure page will be displayed

Step 4- Click on Add Income Or Expenditure, to add an inflow or an expenditure

How To Add Inflow
         Step 1- Open Dashboard and click on “Inflow&Expenditure

Step 2- Click on “Add Income Or Expenditure

Step 3- Click on “Add New Cash Inflow

Step 4- Enter income name, enter the amount, enter the source of the income, enter the date and time, and add a remark(optional)

Step 5- Click on Add Cash Inflow to finish

How To Add Expenditure

Step 1- Open Dashboard and click on “Inflow&Expenditure”

Step 2- Click on Add Income Or Expenditure

Step 3- Click on Add New Expenditure

Step 4- Enter what the expenses are for, enter the cost, Select the category, Enter the date and time, then Add a remark (optional)

Step 5- Click on Add Expenditure to finish.

To Add New Expenditure Category
         Step1- Open Dashboard and click on “Inflow/Expenditure

Step 2-Click on Add Income Or Expenditure

         Step 3- Click on Add New Expenditure Category

Step 4- Enter the name of the category and Click on Add Expenditure category to finish.

Are you using the mobile app, see this article on how to manage your inflow and expenditure on the mobile app.