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How Can I Add My Staffs To My Shop On Mobile app

With the Timart business app, you are able to add your staffs to your shop, e.g. your sales representative, manager etc. this allows them to use the app according to the permissions you grant.

To add your staff to your shop follow these steps:

Step 1- Go to homepage and tap on the "More" icon

Step 2- Tap on "Staffs

step 3- Then tap on "Add New User"

Step 4- Enter the email address of the staff, select the role of the staff, then tap on invite to finish

Step 5- an email will be sent to the staff, once the invite has been sent, it will appear under pending user. You can cancel the invite once it is still pending.


How To Update Or Change My Staffs Permission On Mobile App

By default there are certain permissions given to certain roles, however this permissions can be changed by you at any time. For instance, for the salesperson the following permissions are given by default: permissions to view and manage sales, view and manage pending sales.

To edit or update your staffs permissions follow this easy steps:

Step 1- Go to the staffs’ page

Step 2- Tap on Roles, then select any of the roles you will like to update

Step 3- Remove or add any permission that you desire

Step 4- To add more roles, tap on the sign at the bottom of the page. Enter the role title, select the permissions you want for the role, tap on "Add new role" to finish.